Review: Klipsch S2m Earphones

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One of the best Christmas presents I got last December was a pair of Klipsch S2m earphones.  I’ve been using them for a few months now, and I don’t know that I’ll ever use other earphones again with my iPhone.  Klipsch tends to make quality products for sure, and this is no exception.  The audio […]

Weekend in Boulder

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4:04 pm, July 5, 2009 We’ve been in Colorado for about a week now, and have spent the weekend in Boulder. It has been great to have some family time with the Razavi’s, and we are staying at Michael and Laura Collins’ house. They are gracious and mellow hosts with a beautiful house on the […]

Ethics of Worship

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General Session: Ethics of Worship with Scotty Smith Heb. 13 We are called to interact in the past, present and future at the same time. Painting: 4 trees telling the entire story of God and man Life –> loss –> love –> life The past is meant to be respected and not rejected. We need […]

Justice and Worship Collide

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Breakout Session: Justice and Worship Collide in the Psalms and The Implications for Modern Worship with Elizabeth Jones (Food for the Hungry) It is in your household that you tend to really grasp things as a child. The Psalms were not just read, but sung. Most of the Psalms were written by people that were […]

The Effective Praise and Worship Leader

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Dr. Ron Kenoly is a confident, fun man. In less than 5 minutes he had the entire room uncomfortable. He directly asked people questions, and when they answered incorrectly, he would simply say, “No. Who has the right answer?” When frustrated by the third incorrect definition of the word “praise,” he said, “Come on people, […]

Wonder and Work

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Breakout Session: Songwriting with Chris Tomlin Songwriting is a craft. You can get better at it. Worship is our response to God for Who He is and what He has done. Songs have to be written as that response. What makes a great worship song? Theology. We are teaching people what they know of God. […]

Caring for Volunteers

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This session was very laid back. Laura and Eric are both on staff together at Perimeter Church in Atlanta, and i think Jason was the worship pastor there before them, and has since relocated. Caring for Volunteers with Laura Story, Jason Sears, and Eric Gilbert (Laura works every other week, which allows her to still […]

The Good Fit

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sometimes i really wrestle with being a worship pastor. i just feel like i don’t fit. and being at this conference, i struggle to identify with a group of people that i feel like i should have much in common with. even here, i feel like i don’t fit. and yet. i love leading worship. […]

Finally, A Band I Like

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the evening session tonight was the best. no speaker. just music. it started off with matt maher, who is the guy who wrote “your grace is enough.” he was very comfortable leading a large group of people, and let it breathe where it needed to. it was a very worshipful experience, and the first time […]